Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One Eyed, One Horned, Flying...

For my friend Carol... here you go!




Anonymous said...

Not sure what this is about but you're cute! ;-)
Oh and I love yah Sis!♥

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

THANK YOU! Going to show it to the kids tonight. I had no idea the song was that old. I must be remembering a REMAKE edition of it..uh huh..I can't be that old!

Thanks friend. I certainly am smiling.

Unknown said...

tooooo funny..:)

now I know what mana moon looks like with blue hair...
glad I found you..
have a great week..
ps your work is beautiful Rocki...
& I seem to remember singing this song on the bus on the way home from school with my friends....
mona & the gaffer girls

Rocki Adams said...

Just being silly sis, love ya back!

You are VERY welcome Carol! Go get'em!

Thanks Mona & the Gaffer Girls! This song came out a couple years before I was born, but my mom used to sing it alot, among other funny ones, so it stuck with me all these years ;)