Both of my boys are my pride & joy, my buddies, pranksters, comedians, bodyguards, etc. They both work very hard for what they want in life and I'm immensely proud of all their accomplishments.
My boys & I have an open and honest relationship and are very close. Jason & Jeremy are very close as well (like twins actually), and always have been. I can honestly say that they made parenting very easy for me - despite all the jumping out of closets & grabbing my feet from under the bed scare tactics.
Mark & I are so happy to have Jeremy home (or is it the coffee he brought us? KIDDING!)
Oh! Back to why we celebrated Jeremy's 30th so early. sniff sniff... because due to school, etc., he won't be able to come home for the holidays or in January. I couldn't let his 30th go by without a bash! Yes, he'll still get birthday gifts from us in January :) I'm happy to say that we were able to pull of the surprise with help from Jason & Lauren by getting Jeremy home at the right time and everyone keeping their mouths zipped about it.
The day was perfect in every way and to top it all off, Mark surprised me with a bouquet of my favorite flower - the Sunflower!
Happiness to all,
p.s. Check out my sister's new blog to see the photo of us both with bling-bling mouths. Oh, and there will be more party photos posted in my MySpace later this week.
Hey...I know you!!! ;-)
Awesome blog, Sis!
I back up everything she said. My nephews are so awesome, loving, caring, FUNNY, handsome...the list goes on. They have grown to be such excellent men and it's all because of their mom; she did a fabulous job raising them!
Love you!
Oh YAY!!! I'm so glad it went well. And hello!?!?? Handsome men ya got there! And Mark w/no hair, head or facial??!!? Well, yeah, the other picture is from 2 yrs ago, right? Anyway, You are just too cute for words with your shiny teefs! And so stinkin little bitty! I've got the secretary spread happening AND also the jewelry designer spread along with the ever popular online spread. There must be a better word...
Hmph. And he's there for 2 whole weeks!! Yay for you! Hugs darlin.
Have a wonderful week!
Thanks Laura, you are an awesome sister!
Thank you too Angie - you rock! Look forward to seeing your pics too!
Oh, about Marks hair - he shaved it all off in honor of our very best friend who has stage 4 lung cancer - there's a couple blog posts about it here. He's smooth like a baby's butt... well, with stubble ;)
Two plus weeks! How wonderful :) I hope you have a fabulous visit! Both of your boys are so handsome and I know you must be so very proud of them. I'll have to send Jared a link to this post so he can see if he knows Jeremy :)
♫♫♫ Some"buddy" got a new banner/avi in their shoooop ♫♫♫
Tra la la la!
What!? You sisters do everything together? LOL
♫♫Lord help the mister, who comes between me and my sister...♫♫
Its really beautiful! I hope you don't change your other...I really love that one too!
I think 1. That you are very lucky and 2. That they are very lucky to have you. I've always thought that for the most part (I'm speaking in general terms here) parents reap what they sow in the relationships that they have with their children. Good for you that your obvious involvement has resulted in two great sons and friends. I'm happy for you that your oldest is home. Enjoy!
What a happy blog..As you know, I just am all about family..Glad you had the party now..Happy Birthday..and Happy Party...
Yay!!! Happy birthday, Jeremy!
I love sunflowers too, you are a lucky mom!
What an absolutely beautiful posting Rocki!! I'm so glad I could finish off my night by sharing your joy in giving Jeremy such a fabulous home welcoming! Your sons are so lovely and you can see the love of their mom in them! I understand and share your feelings about them toward my own boys and the wonderful relationship you share together. You said it perfectly when you mentioned that being their mom was effortless. I've always said that I'm so immensely blessed to have been chosen to be my son's mom and I know it's the same for you!
(Fab flowers too - Mark rocks!!)
Okay, if that picture is of you and your boys then I want to know how come you don't look much older than they. Did you have them when you were five or did I miss something in the post? I'm confused.
Oh wow! Thank you all for the awesome comments! :)
Comments & answers:
Jo - Jeremy put his thinking cap on to see if he knows Jared
Angie - yep! New rockn' banner & avatar by the wonderful Sharon (manamoon)
Gypsy - what a beautiful comment, thank you so much!
Rosebud - that indeed you are my friend! Thanks for the wishes :)
Jenn - thank you, thank you very much :)
Sharon - ditto, ditto, ditto... you're awesome, you know that?!
Helen - nope, you didn't miss anything. I have no problem with age and don't mind saying that I will be 48 in December (on paper that is - in life, 20 something). I'll be having a BIG 50th party in 2 years, so you're all invited :)
Oh gosh Helen! I also meant to say THANK YOU for the compliment! :)
Wow, I'm older than you... can I be your big sister!! :D
Yay!!! You look so happy hun!
And I'm SO happy for you, to be able to have a little family reunion...
Hey Sharon- if you become Debi's big sister then you have to take me in, too! We're a package...kind of like crackers and cheese or chips and salsa (mmmmmmmmmmmmm) or my favorite, CHOCOLATE AND PEANUTBUTTER!!!!!
AND, if you become our sister, I suggest you don't go in Debi's backyard...(whispering) there's a hole back there! Once you fall in, you have to clean her house! But, when you get out, you can use my car to leave marks in her driveway!
LOL! I love you Sis :-) And I will remind everyone again, I was actually very sad the day I left my sisters house :-( BUT...we now live only 20 minutes away instead of a state away :-)
Hah! You're too much Laura!! Of course you know I only asked as I needed a younger sister to scrub my floors today but alas, I had to do.
Oh and that hole, yeah it's for younger sisters to stay in so you see I'd be looking down at Debi! But hey you're safe... you'd be the baby of the family and they're always favored. ;-)
All kidding aside you guys are the BEST!!
Oh, and I thought those marks on her driveway were your nails... gotta stick to the story! :)
You look like such a happy and proud mom! They are very handsome guys and sound wonderful on the inside too!!
When you can, please give me a visit..thanks.
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