Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Raw Apple Peach Crumble

Apple Peach Crumble - raw, vegan and gluten-free

I love dessert though never ate it near as often as I do now.  We don't have it every night, but a few nights a week we do.  It ranges from simple fruit to OH MY GOSH! 

My simple Raw Apple Peach Crumble is sort of close to OH MY GOSH (because there is no chocolate ;)  It's a cross between apple pie and strudel.  Well, sort of.  While this dessert is quite simple, the overall taste is amazing! 

Fresh Peaches and Medjool Dates

For the filling, I start with fresh peaches and medjool dates. I LOVE the aroma of a fresh peach!

Creamy Filling

The blended peaches and medjool dates turned into a smooth, creamy and flavorful filling.

Pecans, Medjool Dates and Saigon Cinnamon

Saigon Cinnamon smells out of this world and adds wonderful flavor.  I couldn't resist using it in the crumble.  Combined with pecans and medjool dates, oh my...delicious!

Crumble Topping

We have crumble. Lots of crumbles.  Easy as apple pie.  Wait, is that how it goes?


I used the ribbon blade on my spiralizer for the apples because I wanted thin, light layers.  You don't have to use apples, last week I used my peach filling and crumble topping on fresh blueberries.  It's pretty much endless on what type of fruit to create with.

This recipe serves 4 nicely or if you're really into desserts, 2 hearty servings.

Raw Apple Peach Crumble 

1 large or 2 small green delicious apples, sliced thin or to your liking
lemon juice - toss apples to prevent browning, plus it gives them a nice flavor

Creamy Filling
4 peaches - cut and seeds removed
3 large medjool dates - seeds removed

Put peaches and dates into your vitamix/blender and blend until creamy.

Crumble Topping
1 cup pecans
3 medjool dates - seeds removed
1/2 tsp full Saigon Cinnamon (or regular is fine too)

Put all ingredients into a food processor, pulse a couple times then process until crumbly.  Don't over process or it will become too sticky.

You can eat this immediately or put everything in the fridge to chill.  I chilled mine this go around.

To serve: sprinkle a little crumble onto a plate with a dollop of filling, then layer with the apples, filling and crumble, ending with the crumble topping. 

This can also be served in a bowl with the ingredients added to your liking and mixed all together.  It's quite delicious either way. Plus healthy and quilt-free.


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