Peace ~ Compassion ~ Inspiration ~ Raw Vegan ~ Gluten-Free ~ Breast Cancer Awareness ~ My Happy Life
Friday, October 31, 2008
From our family to yours...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Did someone say... Brass?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Just a quickie...

Monday, October 27, 2008
Heart of a Cowgirl

I took that quote off of Bridget's blog, but she also has it in her Etsy Profile in which she she states it: "sums up the creative force behind my jewelry designs."
Bridget is a cowgirl and creates from that heart. I can relate to how she feels about being a cowgirl as I lived the cowgirl life many years ago. I breathed, ate and slept the cowgirl life. Went to rodeo's, dated cowboys & rodeo clowns (that was a trip) rode horses and was even on a Country & Western dance team called "Hooked on Country". It was hard putting away my boots, but it was harder trying to walk two different paths. I realized my true direction and followed it. That is what you need to do. Follow your heart, be who you truly are and create with that force. This is exactly what Bridget does.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Hi Ho Silver, Away!

Anyway, I loved the part where the Lone Ranger said "Hi Ho Silver, Away!" Wow. Does this date me or what?! Oh and I used to sing the "Happy Trails" song all the time. Hmm, sometimes I still do.
Speaking of silver. I've now added my handcrafted Fine Silver (.999) Ball End Headpins to my shop. Yep. I just keep adding and adding - what can I say, I'm enjoying playing with metal so much that I don't know when to quit. Oh, and I'll be adding oxidized headpins as well, but they can be requested until I'm able to post them.

Well, I need to 'skedaddle' on out of here and mosey on over to my studio as I have a ton of work to do today. Hi Ho Silver, Away!
(p.s. Just a note that I updated the post to include The Lone Ranger, just so you don't think I've lost it. But then again... ;)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It's New & Mini!

Some of the creations in my Etsy shop have been by the suggestions of my super fabulous customers. They have great minds and ideas and I truly love it! So, the other day one of my customers asked if I could make my Baby Elfin's a little smaller. You know me, it's hard to say no - well, most of the time anyway - so of course I said let me see what I can do.
Without going into all the details, let me just say that I have a new member of my Signature Elfin family. I now present to you, Mini Elfin!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
To Brass or Not to Brass...

Some of my greatest additions to my shop have come from the requests of my FABulous customers. So the great question is... what do you think of Brass earwires? I know I know, this isn't the million dollar question, you do not win a prize, you do not get to pass Go & collect any money or get your name in lights. What do you get out of this? My humble friendship (insert cheezy shiny metal grin) and sincere appreciation.
Most of you know I only use Sterling Silver & 14K Gold Filled wire, with the addition of oxidizing. However, I do notice that Brass is very hot right now and since I've been approached a few times (and I'm one for signs) I wonder if I should go ahead and make this happen.
There is a variety of Brass: Red Brass, Yellow Brass, Antiqued Brass... what are your thoughts, suggestions and opinions? I sincerely appreciate your replies!
Now, just pretend you haven't seen me as I must get back into the studio :)

Thank you all SO very much!
Luv, Rocki
Monday, October 20, 2008
In the Spotlight!

Above is one of her beautiful creations titled Tibetan shell Bead and Turquoise Necklace. Below is her Purple Passion Amethyst and Opalite Bracelet.

Have a beautiful day!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Just a few new creations

Above is a pair of my new Long Ovals French Style earwires that I just posted last night. I really love this pair: sleek, slender, secure, sexy...hmm, maybe I should have named them SSSSexy Earwires?

These are my soon to be added Sterling Silver Rings/Links. They are a tad over 10mm in size and will be available in Hammered or Bright Finish. These came about from a request from one of my dear friends... Ang :) and since shipping them off to her, I decided to start offering them in my shop as well.
There are a few other new goodies in my shop, so feel free to take a peek at your leisure.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Shhhhh! I've been TAGGED!
The end of last week I was tagged by my very sweet & dear friend, Sharon (Mana Moon) who shared her heart with us so openly and lovingly that it only strengthened our friendship - makes me proud to call her my friend.
Anyway, I'm supposed to share six secrets about myself and then "tag" five others. Although I do have some deep rooted secrets, I cannot bear to see them in print, so I will share some others with you. No, I'm not an ax murderer, drunk, druggie, ex-con, or anything of that nature. They are just some old secrets that basically shaped my life and made me the strong person I am today. Hence my name: Rocki (insert theme music here)
So without further ado, here are my 'secrets' although some are not so secret, but rather things you may not know about me:
1. I do not like 'chick flics' or mother/daughter flics - they are just too sappy for me . I will, however, watch some 'chic flics' as long as they are not TOO sappy. Without explaining in detail, I didn't have the 'normal' mother/daughter relationship and watching these kinds of movies are painful.
2. I had an invisible friend when I was a child. His name was "Way-Way" - yeah I know, don't ask me why I named him this, don't have a clue! My parents told me that I blamed Way-Way for coloring all over my bedroom walls, tearing down my curtains (which BTW he DID!), I wouldn't eat unless a place setting was set for Way-Way... you get the idea. He is my, er I mean WAS, my best friend. (don't worry Way-Way, I won't let them find you!)
3. I'm afraid of the dark, but love to watch thrillers. Not the blood & gut killing type, just real good suspense movies that make you sit on the edge of your seat.
4. I'm still afraid of the boogieman (hmm, maybe that has to do with the above). If I have to get up during the night, I practically take a running leap back into bed for fear of someone grabbing me from under the bed - even though I know NObody is under there. Hmm. My boys used to jump out of closets to scare me, grab my legs from under the bed (my sister too!) and things of this nature. I wonder...
5. When I was younger I wished I were black. Yep, black. I was SO embarrassed to be a white person back then because of how racist so many people were that it angered me even as a child and I didn't want to be white. It's unfortunate that this type of ignorance still exists in many ways today: skin color, religion, being gay, lesbian, etc. I just don't get it and I wish with all my heart that one day people will just get past all this racist crap.
6. I am and always will be a forever young flower child. Okay, so this one is not so much a secret. I do not mind my age, I'll be 48 (on paper) in December, but 20 something in my heart. My body just doesn't know it sometimes. I'll be wearing little sun dresses, blue jeans & tank tops well into my 80's, if I live that long.
It's hard to pick 5 people, but since I have to - OH! Don't worry, you don't have to do this if you don't want to:
Scribbles of an Ancient Soul - my new blog buddy :)
Heart of a Cowgirl - very talented gal!
Rainbows & Sunshine - LOVE this blog & gal!
What I Made Today - inspiration blog - a must read!
In The Shadows - very cool gal & awesome blog!
So there we have it. Some of my little secrets out in the open. Oh and Laura, bet you NEVER thought I would let Way-Way out of the bag... ooooh, wait! One more... Laura's nick-name is P... P... okay, I won't say it, but I sure WANT to!
Happy Monday everyone!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Where's THE Rock?

So, with that said, where IS the Rock? Obviously that is not me above, but it is a very cool pic I found on the web and since I LOVE rocks, I had to use it for this post. Besides, the rocks are balanced on one another and that is exactly what I'm trying to do - find my balance.

So where IS Rocki anyway, as I've been asked. After having my morning coffee, breakfast and doing other little tasks to get ready for the day, you can find me in my studio until evening. In fact, if you look reeeeeeeal close, you'll find me below:
Did you find me? It's kind of hard, but I bet you can do it! Good job - you did it! So now that you know where I am, please do not think I have not forgotten about you, it's just that I'm terribly busy and need to focus on my orders this week. I do plan on checking out all your blogs in the next few days. In the meantime, please know that you're in my thoughts.
Be well, be happy and enjoy your day!
Oh and one more thing...
I couldn't let this picture go to waste, so for your viewing pleasure I leave you: The Rock.