Above is a pair of my new Long Ovals French Style earwires that I just posted last night. I really love this pair: sleek, slender, secure, sexy...hmm, maybe I should have named them SSSSexy Earwires?

These are my soon to be added Sterling Silver Rings/Links. They are a tad over 10mm in size and will be available in Hammered or Bright Finish. These came about from a request from one of my dear friends... Ang :) and since shipping them off to her, I decided to start offering them in my shop as well.
There are a few other new goodies in my shop, so feel free to take a peek at your leisure.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
Whooo Hooooo! I was mentioned on your blog! *happy dance*
I love the name - "squovals". Its such a cute name and SO perfect!!
Your creations are so beautiful. You are a true talent my dear friend. And I'm gonna thank you AGAIN for doing those rings for me. They really are perfection.
You're such a "ROCKstar" LOL
OO! OO!! I will take a million of each. Oh, and Angie Kelly Designs will send the check! HAH!!! (*running REALLY fast in the opposite direction of Angie*)
Oh, Debi. You ALWAYS make such wonderful goods and, um, love the rings. huh- hum!!
Hey, what's WayWay doing in the photo? Wow, he does get into everything...
make yah look. :D
Ohhhhhh Laaaurraaa...*WHACK* Mwhaha!!! *hits Laura in the head with a wet noodle*
No way am I picking up the tab for your...um...habit! BA!
I'm telling!!
Beautiful!!!! :)
BAD ROCKI! I'm trying to have some discipline with my "supply buying habit"!!! Why must you make such fabulous things that I absolutely MUST have???????
Oxidized... Elongated... Squovals. I'm confused! I thought I was done with be confused... and schoolwork! Maybe you should call them... Oxigated Squovals! (Today's a very dotty day for me!)
OH!! MY HEAD!!!!
Thanks you guys!
Ang - you're a doll & I appreciate you!
Laura - you're the best sister ever, even if you make Ang pay ;)
Sharon - big smiles to you. Hey, I told WayWay to stay out of the way - hmm, sounds funny ;)
Sue - thank you - that means a lot coming from you!
Bridget - me? bad? naw! Now look at the pretty earwires... you're getting sleepy, sleeeeepy ;)
Josh - you CRACK me up kiddo! What would I do without your daily comments?
Those are beautious, Rocki! I have the gorgeous ones I bought from you sitting on my workspace waiting to be made into something fabulous :)
I was reading your "secrets" and it's really scary how alike we are! LOL There were a few exceptions--I am older than you, turned 48 in April and I LOVE horror films, the gorier the better *insert evil laugh here*. My son had an imaginary friend too that we had to buckle up every time we went to town. You know, there is a theory that these make believe friends may be friendly spirits :) *insert spooky Halloween music here*
Oh my word!! The earrings are so gorgeous and those rings!!!!! Wow, wow, wow!!! I just love them!!! Come on, get on with my order, I want, I want...... :)
I am joking!!! I can wait!!
Beautiful work..Everything is really lovely..you did a great job..
Thanks Rocki! How funny are you! Tehehehe! Rocki... Rocki! Answer me Rockiiiiiiii!!!
Poor Joshie, he misses his Laura... we're going to have to make a Laura doll... hahahaha! THAT would be great!! Oh if only I had the time...
Ooohhh...a Laura doll??? I want one :-)
Debi must be busy-busy...but I know she will be coming out to play at Dad's house on Saturday! Hey, Debi, don't let the bed bugs bite! LOL!!!!
If you read my tagged posting, you'll know that I don't sleep with dolls... I sleep with stuffed animals. I'm no girl! Oooh, I love you Beary-Bear. They'll never find you!
HEY!! There is nothing wrong with sleeping with dolls..............ask Rocki! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha....haha...ha....ha....crap. Please don't order WayWay after me!!!!
Ooooooh! Those links just have me sooooo excited for some reason. Keeping an eye on them for sure. :) Have a great day Rocki! And.. p.s. I have the Rocki theme song for my ring tone on my cell phone! lol
Run Laura, Run! Go before Way-Way gets you too! Remember Me, Laura. Remember Me!!! Ooooohh. Sunflower...bud. (I don't like roses!)
OH JOSH!!!!!! Over The Hedge!!! I LOOOVE that movie!!!!!! "But I like the cookie". HAH!!
Oh cool! Love the hammered rings and the sssexy hooks!!
You go girl!!!
Exquisite and very unique. Loved looking at these and I can't wait to see how the rings turn out!
bbooohoohoo...where's my sister?
Hooray! I'm back and ready to kick some butt! But wait... where's my blog buddy Rocki! Oh and Laura, you know about the movie "Citizen Kane", right! The sled was called Rosebud. But I guess that's too old for you!
She's busy making gorgeous new creations for ME, now leave her alone!
*turns and runs from Laura* eeeeeehh!
Josh....I need the wet noodle..................AND your mother! HAHAHAHA!
Is someone going to teach me how to type a raspberry cause this woman really needs one!! Yeah... I'm talkin' to you... Miss L!!
There's no need to go wild with that noodle! Wait Laura! Noooooooooo!!!
Do you think that noodle would go well with marinara sauce and a meatball? Mmmmmmm... Meatballs.
OH, Sweetie, ANYTHING would go well with marinara and meatballs!!! Hey, let's get your mom to make some. MMMMMMM. MEATBALLS! MEATBALLS! MEATBALLS!!!! *runs and hides in a cave far, far away from PA*
It's okay Laura, my Mom barely ever makes... Meatballs! Last time we had them was on my birthday, with stuffed shells. Mmmmmmmm! *drool drool* Oops... Sorry! By the way, Rocki hasn't been visiting lately! But that's okay, she's probably busy.
Rocki is VERY busy....but I can get her to come out and play. Mwahahahahaha. BWAhahahahahahahahah!!!!!
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