Some of my greatest additions to my shop have come from the requests of my FABulous customers. So the great question is... what do you think of Brass earwires? I know I know, this isn't the million dollar question, you do not win a prize, you do not get to pass Go & collect any money or get your name in lights. What do you get out of this? My humble friendship (insert cheezy shiny metal grin) and sincere appreciation.
Most of you know I only use Sterling Silver & 14K Gold Filled wire, with the addition of oxidizing. However, I do notice that Brass is very hot right now and since I've been approached a few times (and I'm one for signs) I wonder if I should go ahead and make this happen.
There is a variety of Brass: Red Brass, Yellow Brass, Antiqued Brass... what are your thoughts, suggestions and opinions? I sincerely appreciate your replies!
Now, just pretend you haven't seen me as I must get back into the studio :)

Thank you all SO very much!
Luv, Rocki
I vote for antique brass... :)
AHA! *I seeeeee you...* heheee!
I'm gonna go with Bridget on this one. Antique brass gets my vote. That particular color is really hot right now. And I think if you do that one, you'd have all your bases covered as far as colors go. Just my humble opinion! :o)
Oooh I love working with and wearing antiqued brass - I vote go for it!
Interesting question... I use Vintaj brass earwires and they're very popular. They have an antiqued finish to them. Your elfins would be awesome in that form, for sure! I say go for it as long as it's not more work for you. ;-)
Ok, so you know the hiding part just won't due anymore - RIGHT!?! We want to ACTUALLY SEEEEE you! :D
I say go for it! You will never know if you don't try ;-)
Here's another vote for antiqued brass! I've been buying vintage brass earwires and they suck!
I love your shirt! :)
Hmm... looks like I'm leaning more and more towards Brass. Whoa... oops! I think I just fell over the fence! I'll check on a Brass order today and see what I can do :)
I appreciate all your opinions! Busy? Too busy? Sharon, Moi?! ;) Oh thanks Jo, I've had that shirt for a few years now, it's one of my favorites! That pic was actually taken a couple years ago :)
You rely on me too much, Rocki! There won't be a word from me this time! Mmm Mmmm! No Waaay! Not... one... word. Fiiiiine! I think that an antique brass (like Vintaj) would really work if you put it into an ear-wire.
Wow, now you've really outdone yourself... you even have a little do-hicky to vote for brass - too cool!
Well, looks like I have my answer in concrete - Josh my man, you rule!
What? Me? Rely on you too much? Naw. Oh, btw, what should I make for supper tonight? Oh oh oh! And which flip flops should I wear today (holds up brown pair & blue pair)?? Oh oh and... ;)
Yep Sharon, I'm under his spell!
Tofu burgers and the brown ones...*snicker*
Oh yes, I vote for brass too. I have metal allergies, but I love that brass isn't sensitive for most people, and it's more affordable than gold filled. So it wins my vote.
Looks like antiqued brass is a winner! I'm glad, its one of my faaaavorites
Psst.. hey sis, go check my blog... I left yah somethin'...
Thanks Beat - yep, now I just need to get my hands on some Brass!
I hear Lowes has a good supply of brass.... ahahahahah! *snicker*
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