I am now one year closer to my BIG birthday bash and I'm so very excited! Today I am 49 on paper and 20 something in life. Obviously, my BIG birthday bash next year will be the BIG 50.
Age truly is just a number and that's it. I feel that if you THINK you're old, then there you go... you're old. Think young and life will be a blast! You know, I don't even know what 49 feels like because I still feel young and will FOREVER be a kid. In fact, I'll be wearing jeans, tank tops and flip flops until the day I die. I've never given much thought about my age as it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Well, wait... okay so when I was just 16 years old, I had a crush on our Crystal bottle water delivery guy - he didn't know it, so I thought. He was probably around 20 something and I always made sure to be the one to answer the door when he dropped off the jugs of water. Oh and let me just say that I've always looked younger than my years (although they are catching up with me). So one day I guess my face said it all and he made the comment that I was probably only 12 years old. OUCH! That was the end of my crush.
Mark teases me about being older than him, robbing the cradle and all that, but come on hon... by 6 months and 10 days? He knows it doesn't bother me at all, but teases me all the same. You know hon, you're right behind me ;) I just love him to pieces! Oh and thank you hon for the hilarious birthday card - TOO FUNNY!
Well, just a short blog about my BIG upcoming birthday. Yes I know, I have a whole year to go, but why waste time? I'll enjoy every second of life and when the BIG day comes, watch out - I'm letting loose!
Happy day everyone!
p.s. the picture was taken at the U2 concert in October. I dressed it up a little :) Oh and I have a 'slightly' different pixie hairstyle now more upbeat, funky and sassy with pink only in the front. It's so me.