Yep. This is me - little Rocki in my favorite get-up, as so I'm told. I was a little tomboy through and through. Okay I still am, but I don't dress like that anymore - I don't wear diapers (no Depends jokes Laura! ;)
Before I go on, I planned on blogging yesterday, but due to a major cut in the Cox Cable fiber optic line, we had no Internet service for a very loooooong time. Needless to say when it came back up, many hours later, I was pretty busy elsewhere. Funny how much we depend on Internet now days (again Laura, try to control yourself ;)
So, today I thought I would just share some pictures of me a 'few' years ago. I love looking at the old picture albums - so many emotions from happy to sad are in those books. The black and white photos are so classic, they crack me up sometimes.

As you can tell I've never been much into fashion - I sort of make my own statement. Actually, I sort of look like Boy George here. Hmm, I do remember wearing a dress at this occasion. (Laura -*shakes finger*)
Awe there, see? I clean up nice now don't I? I truly remember the day of this picture. I wasn't much for dresses, but back then all little girls wore dresses, especially in school. In fact, I remember when we were FINally allowed to wear pants to school - I was SO happy. However, no jeans - they had to be a matching pant suit. Anyway, this dress was terribly itchy and I could hardly wait to take it off!
My dad! My buddy ol pal! Handsome little devil isn't he! This was taken at my grandmas house - I loved that front porch! Mom used to tell me that if I kept my hands inside that furry little thing that I would find a surprise inside. I never found anything. I wonder if that was her way of keeping me busy?

Well that's it. Just a few memories to share with all my buddies. Hope you all have a wonderful week!