My Elfin Earwires hit the big time! Okay, they are not ACTually going Hollywood, but close enough in my eyes! Although I can't disclose too much at this time, I am able to announce that my Elfin Earwires will be in a well known jewelry magazine!
That's right! In a MAGAZINE! I'm still tickled pink about it and have to slap my face a couple times a day just to keep it real.
So HOW did this happen, you ask? Well, again without going into too much detail (for now at least), one of my faithful customers and a very talented fellow Etsian submitted one of her fabulous creations using my Elfin Earwires to the magazine. She let me know that she submitted them and then when they were accepted to be featured! Not only will my earwires be holding the gorgeous creation made by Sue, but my shop name/link will be included in the feature!
Who is this AWEsome person, you ask? Sue Beads - creator of her Handmade Lampwork Beads! Oh and this isn't the first time Sue has had her creations in a magazine. Her Chinese Lantern Earrings that she designed was featured in the July 2008 Bead Style magazine.
You can also find Sue's other Etsy shop at BellaHannahJane and her blog at Sue Beads.
I cannot tell you how very exciting this is for me (and for Sue as well I'm sure). Mark is very happy for me too. In fact, last night he made a comment of how cool it is to be able to connect with people from all over the world, including Internationally, work so close together and end up in a magazine. Thank you Sue! Wow. Truly wow.
So there you have part of the nutshell. The rest will be disclosed as soon as we're able to do so.
Still slapping my face,
those are neato
Ooooooooooooooh . . .
(and now - we'll wait for the Ahhh...)
So very cool! Congratulations.
Thanks for such a wonderful blog, Rocki! I appreciate it more than you know. You are so very talented yourself!
YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooo happy for you!!! Gosh! I have famous sister!! Do you need a security guard? How about a manager? Maybe a personal assistant? LOL!!
Seriously...I knew it was only a matter of time before you hit the spot light....you're just that great ;-)
Love ya!! -L
Wow! That is very very exciting! You deserve it as they are awesome earwires. :) Peace you!
WOW! So cool Rocki! That is very exciting! Happy for you :)
Rocki, that is just WONDERFUL!! Congratulations...you SO deserve it! I'm SOOOOO happy for you!! ♥♥
Am also calling the paparazzi on Laura; telling them exactly where she is so they can track her every move. BA!
Wow Rocki!!! Congratulations!! This is SO exciting!! Hey and I just sold one of my bracelets with a Suebeads focal, her work is fabulous!
Now that you're going to be famous will you still spend time with us peasants? ;-) You'll have to tell us when the big debut is and from the bottom on my heart - Congrats!!
Oh my gosh Debi, that's too freaking cool!!!!!
I'm sitting in my chair bouncing up and down for you love!!!!!
Yay!!! You SO deserve this!!!!
Oh my gosh!!! How cool are you??!!!! Congratulations! I hope you are all stocked up on wire because I have a feeling you're gonna be busy!
I am SO happy for you!! :) *big hugs*
That's awesome news Rocki! I'm so excited for you! Keep me posted!
Karen :0)
Oh gosh! You guys rock!!
I didn't expect so many replies today. Although I would love to respond to each and everyone of you individually, please know that I appreciate ALL of you and your awesome comments!!! I feel the love :)
Wow, so cool! Congrats on being in a mag!!
That is exciting ! Congrats!!!
Can I have your autograph?
I am so happy for you..Congratulations..I wish you all the best and so much success..what a happy blog..
Thank you thank you thank you everyone!
Yes Laura, you may have my autograph - I'll send you my bill ;)
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