Have you ever seen the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - the original one? I'm sure most of us have seen it at least once, after all, it is a classic.
I remember each time when Charlie bought a chocolate bar and while he was opening it up, I felt as if I were right there with him - waiting to see the Golden Ticket! Each time I felt Charlie's sadness and pain when it was just a piece of chocolate. Okay, it made my eyes wet too.
Charlie, who did not have money to spend, found a coin and was able to buy one more bar. The anticipation on his face and the determination in his opening process was far too much for me to bare. I was on the edge of my seat. I tried to hurry him up, but he couldn't hear me. Then there was the long pause... and with one final whoosh of pulling the paper back, there it was! The Golden Ticket! I felt the joy right along side Charlie and cried happy tears.
This is how I felt after creating my new Golden Elfin Earwires! I just love them to pieces and owe many thanks to one of my buyers who asked me about creating in gold filled wire. She will be getting a special surprise when I mail her package tomorrow :)

Happy Friday everyone!
Whooooo Hoooooo! I too am SO excited you are offering these now. For all my customers who prefer gold filled, it will be a wonderful treat! Yay YAy YAY!!
Have a great weekend busy bee! :)
AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I love these!!! It's Debi and the Gold Factory ;-) I can see you at the waterfall of gold, running your hand throug it is you pass by! LOL!! These really are awesome, sis. And they will look even better on me! HA!!
Very beautious! I'm off to heart them :)
Beautiful! I just LOVE your silver ones..these are just as gorgeous!
You know, this is why I love your blog so much!! I swear if I'd made those I would have said "Yep, here they are." but you... you make anything sound like an adventure and an absolute joy to experience!! Your new ear wires are GORGEOUS and I'm sure they'll be VERY successful!! Congrats my friend! You're the best!!
Those are beautiful! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was one of my favorite movies. :)
Wow, they are beautiful..you should feel excited..I have to tell you..I cry every week when my lottery ticket is a bummer, then I think..ahhhh, maybe next time...
Happy Sunday..
perdy! and I see you've already sold a few too :)
Wow! I'm in hog heaven actually! No sooner than I posted this blog & my 'golden tickets', they sold, and then some!
Thank you all for your heartfelt comments - you all rock!
Yay! I am so excited for you, and just LOVE seeing where your journeys have taken you as well....
Cheers my friend!!
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