Today, Mark & I celebrate our 14th wedding Anniversary! I was would have had some old pics of us, including our little wedding picture, but my main PC was on the blink yesterday. I may follow up with those later on. The above pic, in all our glory, is one of my favorites. It was after my first official group ride (Memorial Day Ride). Even though we were all hot and sweaty (from the ride!) and exhausted, there's just something about this picture that I love. Maybe because it screams "we're in love".
If I explain how deeply in love we STILL are, how we met, how we became best friends first & still are today, how we worked together at 2 different offices, the way we got married, how we still hold hands everywhere we go, how we always say "I love you" throughout the day, and many other details of our lives, this blog would turn into a novel. So I will just tell you a few tidbits that you may or may not know about us.
The pic above was from one of our Anniversaries. It was Mark's turn to make the plans. Every year we took turns planning our Anniversary gift, whether it be a simple dinner & movie or a trip near or far, we always kept it a surprise until that day. This trip was a train ride up to the Grand Canyon for the weekend. It was SO much fun, but it was SOOOO cold & snowy. Good snuggle weather.
We've had many adventures and have many more yet to come. When we both started riding, it was a whole other world. We met a lot of people, made some good friends and have TONS of photos! The pic above was from our very first Toy Run and that was a blast!
Did you know that between the two of us we have 4 boys with the same names and 2 share the same middle name? Yep. Two Jeremy's & 2 Jason's. If we had girls with our ex's, mine was going to be Jessica Mae & Mark's Jessica Lynn. So since we couldn't have kids of our own, we named our first little 4 legged girl "Maelyn". We have LOTS in common and were destined to be together. We are true soul mates and will always find each other life after life.

Awe, the Laughlin Run! Fun times! I can honestly say that besides being with my boys & family, being with Mark truly completes me. We enjoy each other's company whether it's just sitting on the porch enjoying the weather, plopped on the couch watching a movie or doing some other activity. Mark is my best friend, my rock, sounding board, partner, husband, soul mate and the love of my life.
It's been 14 years since we said "I do". We tell each other this all the time, but there are days when it feels like it was just yesterday when we got married, yet it also feels like we've been together forever.
I love you honey. Always have. Always will. In this life and the next, and the next...
Happy Anniversary!
Rocki - your wife :)