If I explain how deeply in love we STILL are, how we met, how we became best friends first & still are today, how we worked together at 2 different offices, the way we got married, how we still hold hands everywhere we go, how we always say "I love you" throughout the day, and many other details of our lives, this blog would turn into a novel. So I will just tell you a few tidbits that you may or may not know about us.
The pic above was from one of our Anniversaries. It was Mark's turn to make the plans. Every year we took turns planning our Anniversary gift, whether it be a simple dinner & movie or a trip near or far, we always kept it a surprise until that day. This trip was a train ride up to the Grand Canyon for the weekend. It was SO much fun, but it was SOOOO cold & snowy. Good snuggle weather.
We've had many adventures and have many more yet to come. When we both started riding, it was a whole other world. We met a lot of people, made some good friends and have TONS of photos! The pic above was from our very first Toy Run and that was a blast!
Did you know that between the two of us we have 4 boys with the same names and 2 share the same middle name? Yep. Two Jeremy's & 2 Jason's. If we had girls with our ex's, mine was going to be Jessica Mae & Mark's Jessica Lynn. So since we couldn't have kids of our own, we named our first little 4 legged girl "Maelyn". We have LOTS in common and were destined to be together. We are true soul mates and will always find each other life after life.
Awe, the Laughlin Run! Fun times! I can honestly say that besides being with my boys & family, being with Mark truly completes me. We enjoy each other's company whether it's just sitting on the porch enjoying the weather, plopped on the couch watching a movie or doing some other activity. Mark is my best friend, my rock, sounding board, partner, husband, soul mate and the love of my life.
It's been 14 years since we said "I do". We tell each other this all the time, but there are days when it feels like it was just yesterday when we got married, yet it also feels like we've been together forever.
I love you honey. Always have. Always will. In this life and the next, and the next...
Happy Anniversary!
Rocki - your wife :)
Here's wishing you many more years together!
Thank you for posting these pics; y'all are too cute together. Have a wonderful special day!! ♥
I must admit that I am a hopeless romantic. Maybe the last of a dying breed, I don't know. But I truly believe that to truly love someone, you have to be the best of friends first.
Debi and I were just that. From the moment I first saw her, I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She has an aura about her that shines with the purest emotion and devotion. I had found the one that I was meant to share my life with.
To this day, I love her with all my heart and soul. I still open doors for her, I hold her hand every where we go and we still kiss each other good night each and every night.
Our love is as fresh and real as it was 14 years ago and it will continue to be like that even after we are long gone from this world.
Our destinies brought us together because we were supposed to be together. We are truly a couple and truly happy together.
I love you too honey!
Today, tomorrow, always!
As a sidenote to my post above...
For those of you who don't know and are probably thinking strange thoughts right now...."Debi" and "Rocki" are the same person. I know her as Debi, my loving and beautiful wife. You know her as Rocki, the talented and creative jewelry craftsman. I sometimes forget to refer to her by her well earned nickname!
AWESOME! Love your post, love your hubby's comments - it really warms my heart! It is the greatest thing in the world to be married to your best friend, I am lucky enough to be able to say the same. :) Have a great day Rocki and Mark!
I love this post. You two are great together. Keep that romance. I have 37 years with the right guy, but not so much romance anymore, though we hold hands, sit close and he still opens my door.
I believe in the "finding each other in life after life". I even know where I was in the 1800's. What I don't know is how I knew my dog, Jack. I am sure he was with us somewhere in the past.
OMGOSH! I forgot to say
Rocki/Debi and Mark ! Congratulations on your 14 years together... What a wonderful story.. love the pictures too...
Congrats!! After that many years...to still feel that way about each other is a true gift!!
Happy Anniversary, Mark and Debi! May you have many, many more! Thanks for sharing such a sweet love story with us :)
Oh Rocki!! Happy Anniversary!!!♥
You guys are just the cutest couple and the love you share can be seen immediately! I loved all the pictures you posted and the one of you guys where you had long hair was just fabulous!! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful day with us!!♥
On a side note, Mark reminds me so of D, it's just remarkable. The way he writes, the things he says, it's really beautiful and you're so blessed to have such a wonderful guy!!
Happily Anniversary to you! I am lucky enough to have met my soulmate after my cancer and divorce - it does happen and I can imagine how happy you guys are day to day! Yay you!
Happy Anniversary!! YAY!!!!14 years. How did you live 14 years with Debi's scary doll?? HAHAHAH!
Seriously, have a wonderful, beautiful, anniversary. I love you both so very much :-D
Love is something truly wonderful! People greatly oversee it's importance. They're usually thinking "I love him; we got married, didn't we!" or "Love is just about making love!" Love is barely a shadow of what it used to be. So Rocki and Mark: Love each other every day onwards, be grateful that the universe gave you each other, and remember... love is like a cow; if you keep milking it, it'll mean nothing!
OMG!!! Did MY son actually just write that????? Wow!! Ok, someone made a mistake somewhere, he should have been the son of Gandhi!! I'm honestly speechless!
I was thinking the same thing! That came from Josh?! And he's how old?! Does he have an aspiration to become a counselor or pursue education in physcology or something?
THANK YOU ALL for you heartfelt thanks & congrats!
We had a wonderful dinner last night at Abuelo's! To show you how in sync we are with each other, when Mark called to let me know he was on his way home to pick me up for dinner, I told him "how about Abuelo's?" - He said "THAT's what I was going to tell you!" - And no, we don't go there often.
Josh my man! WHOA nelly! I think you are a little Buddha and I just love you to pieces! Thank you!
So glad you guys had a wonderful dinner celebration, you TOTALLY deserve it!! :D
I know Mark, it's insane isn't it?? No there aren't any aspirations to be a counselor and he already "teaches" us everyday we share with him. :D He loves the sciences and has aspired to be a Paleontologist (at age 6) and an Astronomer (age 10). Personally I think he should reach a little higher.... I'm thinking, President. :D
Boy, I don't know what to say. How do you follow Josh. It's like trying to say something profound after listening to the Dali Lama. But so glad the two of you had a wonderful Anniversary. You certainly give Sharon and I something to live up to. I am so happy that you both found each other, as we did.
Happy, happy anniversary to you both..What beautiful pictures and enjoy reading about everything..Much best wishes for the rest of your lives..
Happy anniversary!
This was just the sweetest post ever :)
And you two are such an amazing couple as well!!!
Congrats! And Happy Belated!!!
Happy Anniversary....we have not met but I also live in Peoria and my studio is in Glendale.
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