Above we're coming back from the day spa - pet groomer that is. No they do not go to a day spa, that's just what I call it for fun. Sasha loves to drive, but we do not let her go out on her own - can't afford the insurance.

Peace ~ Compassion ~ Inspiration ~ Raw Vegan ~ Gluten-Free ~ Breast Cancer Awareness ~ My Happy Life
Living a very quiet suburb life in the small town of Vicksburg, MS (not Mayberry, but not a big city either) Elaine creates her adorable handmade creations. She started out as an Etsy buyer long ago and eventually started selling her craft.
At first glance of the prices, you may wonder why they are so low. Well, Elaine is doing all this work for fun! She states: "I believe in giving customers the best prices possible... Because I actually don't work for profit. I craft for fun, then sell it." Not only does she sell her handmade crafts in her shop, but Elaine also sells commercial beads & findings.
The beads above are not commercial, these are her handmade FROTHEN SEA WATER Swirl Polymer Clay Beads. Oooh! I just love saying the name, sounds so earthy and fun!
I absolutely love this quote when asked if there was anything she would like people to know about her: "I am a very simple country gal, with a strong desire to run my online business with high morals, strong ethics, and a feeling so friendly, customers can just feel the love through the computer screen."
Most definitely Elaine, I feel the love! Please go and visit Elaine's shop to feel the love yourself!
Happy day!
He's also my little comedian. Well, not so little, he works out and has been given several nick-name at work, such as "Buff, "Hulk", "Superman" and so on. But let me tell you, he can make you laugh in a heartbeat! He's in the process of becoming a Fire Fighter. He'll be taking an EMT course soon and will go from there. No matter what he does in life, I'm proud of him and always will be.
Jas works at Trader Joe's and has ever since he graduated from high school. He has a great deal of customers that know him well and many ask for him. In high school he and Jeremy worked at Dairy Queen, so he's pretty much worked ever since school. Like mother like son.
We celebrated his birthday yesterday at his choice of restaurants: Mimi's Cafe. He even got a special birthday pie and special birthday wishes. No singing though, bet he would have loved that.
There's is so much I would like to say about my baby boy, but I don't want to embarrass him with all the mushy stuff. He knows already because I tell him all the time. We're very close, he's my buddy and protector. My nick-name for him is "Bud." However, I will mention that every single school picture, he sports bumps, bruises, cuts, scrapes or a broken arm. He makes jokes about it of course and it is funny to look at them, but in every picture, he has that adorable smile.
I know most of you know this already, but I've been very blessed with my boys as both Jason & Jeremy make it easy to be their mom. I never had any problems with raising them, they were model students and... well, I just couldn't be more proud of them and who they are. I love them to pieces.
Happy Birthday Bud, I love you!
I'll be creating several of my handcrafted findings that I already make (and then some) with Copper as well. It is so very pretty and can be as organic, rustic, southwestern or elegant as you want it to be. I did not realize how enjoyable it is to work with. Nice on my wrists and...
Johnny sit down and quit pulling Susie's pony tail!
Oh and yes, I'm playing around with different oxidizing techniques as well. Above is my Antiqued Finish and...
Barnaby! That is NOT where a test tube goes! Take that out of your nose right now young man!
Anyway, I have more oxidizing to play with and look forward to playing around with it.
Well, class is just about over and I'm turning gray here, so I'm going to dismiss class early and ....
Whoa!, watch out! Let me.... da du thump thump thump (being run over by students)
Happy Monday!
Mark & I are one and the same and have been together in previous lives. We know this as we have WAY too much in common. We both have 2 boys each: Jeremy's & Jason's. Yep, 4 boys and 2 share the same name each. In fact 2 of them share the same middle name. If me & my ex would have had a little girl her name was going to be Jessica Mae. If Mark & his ex had a little girl her name was going to be Jessica Lynn. Since we couldn't have kids together, we decided to name our first 4-legged child "Maelyn" (by combining the middle names). Oh yes, there's more to this love story, but I'll save it for another time. He does laundry too.
Although Mark is very proud of my work, he lovingly refers to it as "car parts" - yes, he's a guy, what can I say. Oh, but let me tell you, he's picked up the lingo quite well. To hear him come off with "you have a convo honey, it's a transaction" or when he uses the exact term for my metalwork findings instead of "car parts", it melts my heart. Did I tell you he irons?
So the other day while at the hardware store he came up with an idea for earrings (above). Yes, I know the design in and of itself is not new, but hey, MY hubby, Mr. Car Parts, came up with it so I just had to honor him. I told him that he could name them. He came up with "Put a Hex on You!" We compromised with Spellbound. I just love them, but maybe a little more because of how they were created. Did I mention he still opens doors for me?
That got me thinking, so I have now added Sleepers to my shop. I'll have more styles to add as soon as Mr. Car Parts comes up with them. See... I TOLD you I'd convert him!
Happy day everyone!