This is an update from my previous post as I've not only received several replies via Blogger, but also through email and phone calls. You don't know how much your kindness means to me!
I'll cut to the chase. Due to the increase of pain in my hands, wrists and forearms, the amount of work I still need to finish up, plus additional sales, I had to put my shop in Vacation Mode for 2 weeks. This was truly a tough decision, but a necessary one. If I didn't do this, my timeframe would be so far out there it's crazy to think about. Plus the obvious reason - my health must come first in order to do what I love.
Even though the doc feels it is Carpal Tunnel (I'm thinking it's not), we'll find out for sure this coming Thursday as that is when the test is scheduled. This is one test I would love to fail (I'm not even going to study ;). Obviously CT is not the end of the world, but I would rather it be something else, say like plain old overuse. Either way I know I need to change the way I do things, which is no big deal. Been there, done that. I've come too far to let another medical problem mess with me - hence my name. Just typing this up is killing me.
With much love, appreciation and heartwarming thanks,