I won't go into all the boring details of my dental issues prior to my orthodontic appointment yesterday, but I don't mind saying that I'll be a 'metal mouth' soon (insert cheezy grin).
Unfortunately, I put off far too long getting my own teeth fixed because I've been pretty busy. Okay, to be honest I'm not so found of dentists - too many bad experiences. Okay okay, so it's the drill (shivers), the pain, the yucky taste and the drooling afterwards.
It's funny when I think about it, plus Mark even comments that as much as I brush & floss my teeth, how on earth can I have dental issues. Oh no, I have no cavities (smiles), but due to a botched root canal when I was 13 I ended up losing my back molar. That is what I *thought* caused my teeth to shift and such. But yesterday I discovered that my "extra tooth" (my 'snaggle tooth') I was told I had by a dentist in my 20's, was in fact NOT an "extra tooth" after all. That dentist ended up removing it with 2 other dentists. Yes, THREE dentists standing over me pulling out my poor little snaggle tooth - ouch, I still feel the pain!
Anyway, so that tooth, combined with the back molar (both on the bottom) are the culprits. So now after all these years of putting it off, making sure everyone else has been taken care of, listening to Mark tell me to just do it, and yes being somewhat of a chicken, I am now getting them fixed properly.
I'll be wearing the Damon System Braces for 24 months and on August 11th and I will be smiling silver. I won't mind one single bit (grin).
I bet this was more information than you cared to know. At least I didn't show you my photo shoot!
☼ Rocki
Your always puttting others ahead of yourself it seems. Good for you! Id be a chicken for sure :D
God Help me..I have trouble with the teeth too..Hate dentist and don't know what I will do..Good for you for taking the first step and going forward..I am proud of you..
I'm a member of the dentist haters too! :) I nearly have a panic attack just going to have my teeth cleaned! I wore braces for two and a half years back in junior high and am so glad I did--picket fence and corn eating jokes were my lovely childhood memories! LOL Bless my parents for fixing them when they didn't have the money to do so. Good luck with yours, Rocki!
Ah, the joys of dental work... ugh!! I can totally relate - at least to the part about needing to have work done, putting it off and having taken perfect care of my teeth all my life! Kudos to you my sweet friend, for your courage and those fabulous "after" smiles you've have!!
oooh my LORD I love your blog!!! I also adore your cartoon of the metal mouth! Dentists are my biggest fear...as my multiple crowns will atest! Best wishes with the new "grill work!" You'll be smiling beautiful in no time!
With gratitude, Laurie B.
PS....I can't say this enough...your blog rocks!
You will be so happy with the results! The best thing that my mom ever did was insist on braces. I complained and complained but thank goodness b/c my teeth were awful. My friend just got her braces off after waiting to do it for years and has never been happier. I am glad that you are taking care of you and doing this!!! Congratulations!
You will look adorable! Just think, when this is all over you'll have beautiful teeth again, and it won't matter what a few dumb dentists did a long time ago!
ooo no. I've been putting off the dentist myself even though I know something is wrong back there...
the thought of three dentists makes me cringe.
Soooo... are you sparkling silver yet?? :)
Hey buddies! Thank you all for you comments and visiting my blog! I sincerely appreciate it :)
Nope, no metal smiles yet, yesterday was the mold fitting and then on Aug. 11th I'll be gleaming silver ;) Yes, there will be pictures.
Gah! I have to admit I hate the dentist... but I'd probably hate having braces more.... kudos to you for not giving a damn!
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