Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Raw Lasagna? You betcha!

I was so excited to get the recipe ebooks that I ordered from Kristen Suzanne of Kristen's Raw that I practically salivated all over my screen while going through them all!

The first thing I wanted to make was her Italian Lasagna (in her Entrees book) which is filled to the brim with raw vegan goodness!  There are a few steps to this recipe, but I don't know of any quick lasagna recipe.  Besides, it was well worth it.

This isn't your typical large pan lasagna recipe, but it filled up my 8x6 dish just fine.  You can either serve it right after making it or pop it in the dehydrator for an hour or two to warm slightly. 

Since we've been having some unusually cold weather, I decided to warm it a little.  Yes, it is still a raw dish as the food never went above 115 degrees.  In fact, using my handy dandy infrared digital thermometer, it only reached 105 degrees - which is much cooler than it sounds.  We also had a nice healthy salad to go with it, AND got two more meals out of it. 

One word about the lasagna: deeeeeeeelish!

I only bought 2 out of 11 of her ebooks, but I can see that I'll be picking up a couple more down the road.  Raw food is not so boring now, isn't it? :)


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