(picture courtesy of Blomberg.com)
Cell Phone Technology is fantastic, but lately I've been overwhelmed by it. I mean come on, there is practically anything you can imagine for smartphones - with more on the way. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, to be perfectly honest I love my smartphone! It's like having my desk top computer in the palm of my hands - which is very convenient.
So what's the problem? Well, I've become one of those people that can't leave the room without my Droid (Droid X to be exact) and when I do, I break-out in a cold sweat while running around looking for it. With all the social media and other apps I have, it's amazing that I actually HAVE a life: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Etsy, ArtFire, Words, Birds (darn those birds!), News and other networking sights. Sheesh, I need a break!
The Droid isn't exactly glued to my hands, but it is always near by - within reach that is. In the car as a passenger it's typically in my hands or in the door cubbyhole (no, I don't text and drive, major pet peeve - I don't even like talking and driving, so I do that very little). While out and about it's in my pocket and every once in a while I take it out to make sure it's okay. I'll even admit that we have our phones at the dinner table. What's next, the bedroom?
(I feel like I just confessed my sins and I'm not even Catholic, etc.).
So yesterday it got me thinking that I need to disconnect from all Social Media outlets via my Droid. First I thought for 1 day. Go ahead and laugh, I know, that's a long time. Then I thought for 1 week, but I had to reach for the smelling salts before I passed out. This morning when I woke up at 5:30 I decided that starting now through Monday (3 whole days people) I'm not going to use my Droid for anything except phone calls and texts - everything else can wait until I get to my PC.
What? Who will know if I cheat or not? I will, I have a conscious - and Jiminy Cricket by my side. I have good self-restraint (except with my Droid I guess). I can make a dark chocolate bar last 2 weeks - ask Mark.
That's pretty much it. My 3 day Mobile Social Media Disconnect Challenge. I'll post my results on Tuesday. Join me if you want to feel the freedom - or the bends.
I wish you the best of luck honey! This could be a very exciting weekend! I don't know if I should be excited.....or afraid!
Be afraid, Mark. Be VERY afraid! I've heard there are severe pains from Droid Withdrawl...Birds you say. Birds. Never heard of it. Surely I should know about THAT place...where's my Droid...I must go google.....
Ha ha ha honey, you so funny! ;)
LOL, Carol ;) All is well and no withdrawl - I loved it! As always, thanks for being you!
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