Mark surprised me with these pretty pink flowers for my birthday! Maybe because they matched the pink in my hair perhaps? I just LOVE them! I mean, they are the prettiest pink flowers I've seen in a long time and I just had to take pictures of them.
Jeremy & Jason will just love me for taking this shot of the flowers - those are one of their high school pictures. I have TONS of pictures, as you could imagine. I also keep cards I receive, especially from my boys - Mark too of course! The ones on my dresser mirror from my boys are quite funny - they are such the comedians :) Oh and yes, that is "Rocky & Bullwinkle" in the background. Their hands are bound together as they are life partners... no, not in a kinky way - sheesh!
I know, this isn't about my pretty pink flowers, but my princess Sasha's tongue is pink! LOL! She likes to be on our bed when I do the laundry, to take naps, and watches me when I take pictures of my work. I don't know why, but whenever I get the camera and she hears the sound it makes when I turn it on, she's RIGHT THERE! This shot cracked me up - a total surprise because she was sitting still and as soon as I took the pic she yawned! Or maybe she's trying to tell me something?
That's it for today. I'm trying to get back into the blog world, but work is keeping me pretty busy. Speaking of, I need to head into the studio now.
Happy day everyone!