If you would have asked me a year ago what a "tatting shuttle" was, I would have looked at you with a blank look on my face and say "a what?" Now I may not be a scholar on the subject, but I do know what it is now, and let me just say that Dave, of Grizzly Mountain Arts, creates the most BEAUtiful shuttles I've come across!
Dave creates more than gorgeous shuttles, he makes Niddy Noddies and a vast variety of other tools and carvings. Each time I visit Grizzly Mountain Arts blog, I'm like a little kid waiting to see what Santa brought because both Dave & Jo are talented beyond belief. I don't think there is anything Dave CAN'T do.

Who's Jo? Another quote, "she is a classically trained flutist who pretends to be an artist at times. She enjoys working with clay, wood and the computer." Jo pretty much, from what I gather, is the backbone for their websites (correct me if I'm wrong Jo!). Plus she is a very fine artist, pretend or not.
These are some of Jo's handmade earthenware clay pendants.
You can find both of their finished work at Grizzly Mountain Arts and their organic and primitive supplies at Grizzly Mountain Cache, but check out their blog for all locations where you can find their work.
I enjoy chatting with Jo, plus they live in Oregon. My oldest son Jeremy lives in Oregon. Maybe next time I'm up that way I can stop by and we can chat in person!
Oh and I do believe Dave does dishes & windows, but Jo can correct me if I'm wrong ;)
Happy day!
Rocki, Thank you SO much for writing such a wonderful feature on our Etsy shop! We appreciate it sooooo much! And since I believe one good deed deserves another, I have written a little something about you in return :) The next time you're going to be in Portland, we will definitely have to get together!
Thanks again, Rocki! You Rock! :)
My friend! I hope your weekend went "swimmingly" :) What a wonderful write up. I wouldn't have found them otherwise, so thanks for that! Great job :) Have a good one; we're glad you're back!!
I have seen some of their work..Beautiful..It is amazing, scrimshaw is almost, to me, a lost art..Wonderful write up for them..
Tatting shuttle -- my grandmother had one but it was no where as pretty as that one! I checked out GMA and hearted their shop -- it's awesome! Thanks for introducing us to another wonderful etsian :)
What talented artist you find Rocki, just gorgeous work!! Thanks so much for introducing us to them!
Jo, you are SO very welcome! Thank you for the spootlight as well - YOU rock!
Thank you all for checking out Grizzly Mountain Arts - they are fabulous, aren't they?!
yes they are! I've seen their work before and it blows me away. Always leaves me thinking "how the heck do you do that so perfectly?!"
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