Nope, we didn't win tickets to the concert or VIP backstage passes. We purchased our tickets when they went on sale - couldn't miss Daughtry! When we found out that we could get VIP passes to meet & greet with the band, etc., it took less than a nanosecond to say YES!
Oh and above is little ol' me with the guys - very down to earth and so humble. Yes, I was majorly star struck and I think I blinded everyone with my braces as I smiled ALL day and ALL night long!

Still have that same big glowing smile on my face - it's still there in fact! This was after all the VIP treatment with lots of goodies to take home.
Afterwards we ate dinner at Margaritaville before heading back in for the concert. Nope, we didn't have Margarita's - we don't drink. But after many years, I DID have my first true hamburger with a bun! Being allergic to wheat & dairy I never get to have a bun with a burger unless at home and then it is with my special bread - totally NOT the same. Anyway, Margaritaville has a gluten-free menu and the bun was soft and yummy!
I have more pictures to share of the concert, but I'll do that either this weekend or Monday. Wait to you see where our seats were :) Oh and since I forgot my camera, the pics are all taken with my Droid, but they turned out okay.
Daughtry - you guys are #1 in my book - stay just like you are!
♥ Rocki
(5/1 update: I've been asked if I added pink to my hair for the concert - nope, this is me! I've had variations of this style going on a year now and it has become my signature style ;)